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Our lives have been changed drastically overnight since the massive global change. For many this maybe a time that is probably very daunting especially if in self isolation.

Since the Pandemic I decided that I would create a few articles to inspire people to create things in the comfort of their own home.

Use this opportunity to create something you have always wanted to create. It could be a piece of artwork such as a painting, a new song, writing a new book, a new business venture etc. This is the perfect opportunity and now is the time to create your new venture.

Start off by writing your ideas and think of a plan on ways you can make this happen for you. What will you need or what is it you want to do? Who is involved with your new venture or who will you need to speak to? How will this help you and why are you doing this? When will you start to make things happen?

Communication and network with like minded people. This is vital as you can build strong connections. That way you can collaborate new ideas and also learn different skills or ask other people to help you in areas which you may need a little work on.

Sometimes setting a goal can be overwhelming. Even though it can be a good thing it can also add pressure by setting an emphasis of us not having.

Whatever it is you want to do, set it and intend for it to happen. Sometimes setting goals isn't enough. You have to set the intention of doing it by taking action. A tiny task each day can build into something much bigger. Start constructing the life that you want! Before you know it, you have already achieved that dream palace you have always wanted to live in.

Setting your intentions however raises your emotional energy as well as your physical energy which may inspire you to motivate yourself into taking action. Doing this daily can change your life for good and also inspire others around you too. Positivity is also beneficial as this will create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere which will help with creativity. Bring joy to others around you as well by showing acts of kindness.

While setting your intention, you are opening your heart out and raising your consciousness and vibration. Your intention can be as little or as big as possible. We usually set an intention each day. By brushing our teeth, driving our car to work or by choosing what we want to eat for lunch.

Also speaking about your intentions to others that are supportive of your choices. You can also have a positive influence on them too. That way it can be encouraging and you are also engaging with people so that they are aware of what it is you want to achieve.

Always know that a small change can have a bigger impact in the long term. Be open to new opportunities and let the creative ideas flow! Appreciate the smaller things around you and show heaps of gratitude for the things that you have!

For those that have read this article thank you for spending your time visiting my website. I enjoy creating fashion accessories as well as writing articles on my blog which is mainly on fashion, travel and lifestyle.

The picture below is one of the handbags I customized with gems. This can be found on

Since the Pandemic I decided that I would create a few articles to inspire people to create things in the comfort of their own home.

Every Tuesday I publish a new article on

Once again thank you for visiting. Until next Tuesday!

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